
Apply To Soloist Academy

The Application Process


Start Online Submission

Choose you course. Things to consider: student’s age and artistic experience. Ask yourself a question: am I ready to perform in front of an audience spontaneously?!


Submit The Application Form

Fill in the form and join in your YouTube video. It will help us learn more about your style and understand if our course is really for you.


Notification of acceptance

The accepted applications will be processed in the order of their arrival. Once we receive your application, it will not take us longer then two weeks to give you an answer. 


Complete the application process

You will have two weeks to make payment for your chosen course once you have received your acceptance letter. This will secure your place in a professor’s class.


Registration letter

Here we go, we have your application and your payment. you are officially enrolled in the Soloist Academy festival. You will be provided with some general information about the Summer Courses at this stage.


Detailed information

Two-one month before the beginning of your course you will be given more detailed information about the courses, for. ex. festival daily schedule, accommodation, chamber music proposals, masterclasses and social activities.

The Costs

Costs  “Early Bird” Regular offer
Junior SA   1690 € “Standard”
    2100 € “Family”
Senior SA 750 € 950 € 
    550 € “Course only”

When To Apply?

Deadline  “Early Bird” Regular offer
Junior SA   April 30th
Junior Passive   July 1st
Senior SA March 1st May 1st
Senior Passive   June 1st

Things To Know

If our dates do not suite you, we welcome you to our festival in Montenegro, were Soloist Academy resides under the artistic guidance of maestro Igor Pikayzen since 2023.

Please, visit our website in Montenegro:



Junior Soloist Academy

Calling all young musicians, ages 7 to 17! This summer, it’s more than just lessons and practice — you’ll get to experience the thrill of live performances through concerts, jam sessions, and recitals. It’s about bringing your music to life and discovering the true joy of performing!


Senior Soloist Academy

Since 2016 Soloist Academy is offering instrumental courses for young professionals, musicians with Master or Bachelor degrees. Soliciting individual reflection, always experimenting and getting inspiration from different sources – these are the main characteristics of the Soloist Academy.


Ballet School of Vladimir Ippolitov

Unlock the power of dancing with our exclusive collaboration between Soloist Academy and the renowned Ballet School of Vladimir Ippolitov! Based on the best traditions of teaching classical dance on the Vaganova method. Pupils will get acquainted with the versatility of classical ballet heritage and the innovation of contemporary choreography.